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Electrolysis is the process where free floating electrons, suspended in liquid attack and corrode metal surfaces. Nowhere is electrolysis a greater problem than in the warm waters of South Florida! Electricity from natural sources, as well as from dock power supplies, vessel batteries, and electric systems can make its way into the water surrounding all the boats at dock and begins destroying the metal components below the surface. Over time, Rudders, shafts, trim tabs, propellers, even thru hull fittings can be destroyed, causing great expense to replace, or worse, catastrophic failure! The solution to electrolysis is simple!
Most pleasure boats have soft metal “sacrificial anodes” installed at different locations on their hard metal running gear. These anodes, commonly referred to as “Zincs” (after a common material used for them), attract the vast majority of these destructive electrons. The “Zincs” corrode, INSTEAD of your running gear!
When our DSS divers inspect your vessel’s bottom and running gear, we pay close attention to the condition of these “zincs”. We will report on their condition as part of our service to you, and replace any that have reached a critical stage of deterioration before your hard metal components begin to suffer.
This thoroughness in inspection, along with our ability to pull, recondition, and replace most pleasure boat props without having to move your boat from the slip makes DSS an incredibly convenient, economical solution for your boat maintenance needs!
Phone Today: (561) 307-9909 or Email to Learn More!